Our world seems to be spiraling out of control and we can find many reasons for anxiety and discouragement. But God is our ever present help in time of trouble. He urges us to focus on him and his sovereign power. He tells us to “be still and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10). Each word or phrase in this verse can have a powerful impact if we meditate on them.

BE STILL – Believe that he is Lord and King over your troubles. Acknowledge him in all your ways and let him direct your paths. Cast all your anxieties on him for he cares for you tenderly and will act on your behalf. With every fiber of your being, engage with God. Simply exist within his presence where nothing else matters until stillness is the very essence of your being. 

AND KNOW – Become intimately acquainted in your soul and spirit with who he is and his nature, assured and fully confident in his goodness, justice, mercy, love, wisdom, and power.

THAT I AM: His presence is inescapable. He is the God of the past, the present, and the future, our one Eternal Now, the great I AM, complete and uncreated. 

GOD: Seated in heaven on his throne, our Lord is the only true source of power, eternal life, love, satisfaction, and value. He alone is worthy of our praise and worship. Rulers and authorities of earth are subject to him. Situations, circumstances, and man’s choices are as nothing before him. His plans and purposes WILL prevail and triumph no matter the schemes and plots of man.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

PRAYER: Lord God, I put my trust in you as the only true God with whom nothing is impossible. May this knowledge bring peace and quiet to my soul and spirit. Amen.