How often do we complain about how busy we are? We feel lost and out of control as we try to stretch our waking hours to include one more commitment. Yet secretly, we pat ourselves on the back for our productivity or resent our endless activities. 

It can be hard to say “no.” We may feel we need to prove ourselves to God or others. Our identity can lie in our busyness. Christian author and speaker Holly Gerth says, “I used to think ‘busy’ was a badge of honor, that it proved I had worth and was wanted.” Or maybe our overpacked schedules serve to mask pain we can’t face. 

Our productivity can become an idol if we put it before our relationship with God. If Satan, the enemy of our souls, can lure us into being overly busy doing things God never asked of us, he can keep us from the abundant life the Lord offers us. We grow weary and short-tempered. We don’t have time for quality relationships with God and others. We neglect God’s word, making us vulnerable to discouragement and deception. We have no time for hobbies, fun, and relaxation, things that reset and refresh us. We miss out on God’s dreams and purposes for our lives. We jeopardize our health.

Our Lord wants  better for us. Although Jesus often grew busy, sometimes using the night for time with his Father, he once said to his disciples, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” Mark 6:31 NLT He also called his listeners to lay down their heavy burdens and rest in him so they could “learn from him.” Matthew 11:28-29   We cannot learn from the Savior if the tumult of our busyness deafens us to his voice. If we ignore his call to come and rest, (Isaiah 30:15) we miss out on the peace, hope, and love we have from him alone and on his good and perfect will for every area of our lives including our schedules. 

PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for often being outside of your will with my busyness. Help me to return to you and rest in you. AMEN.