The other day, I got very irritated (putting it lightly) over a silly little situation. I tried using Google to find what voting district I’m in so I could pick who to vote for on November 6th from the long list in the voter’s guide. But almost invariably, most of the websites Google came up with concerned how to find my polling place for my area.  I hissed, “I already know where I go to vote. How many ways do I have to rephrase, ‘Find my voting district” before you get for me what I actually want, you idiotic search engine?’”

Never mind that I later realized I can just vote a straight ticket.

Unless you’re the real easy going type, you probably get caught in these types of frustrations as well. I don’t know why I allow myself to get so bent out of shape over the small stuff. But I came to a few conclusions as to how to deal with the stress that can come from something that should be simple turning into something unnecessarily complex. Like recovering access to your Apple account! In their case, these steps do not apply.

1. Realize that maybe you missed something or misunderstood.

2. How much does it really matter? Can you find another way to get what you need even though you may need to wait a couple or few days?

3. You live in a sinful, imperfect world full of people of the same. As are you!  Accept it and forgive.

4. Remember that if you allow yourself to get all bent out of shape, you will drain yourself of valuable physical, mental, and emotional reserves that will make it harder to deal with other situations throughout the day that demand your full attention. The old adage to “choose your battle carefully” applies here.

5. Remember that you open a door for the enemy when you let ungodly anger, self-pity, or anxiety take over.

6. Accept that some things will never change.  If something can be changed, maybe you can do something about it. But don’t take on responsibility for an issue God has not called you to confront.

7. Determine to trust God with your frustrating situation, ask him what to do and for the self-control to “let it go” if no resolution can be found or you realize the situation it isn’t worth your time and effort.

8. Determine to enjoy your life despite the stupidity. Look on the bright side, find things to be grateful for and go ahead and enjoy life!