“Be still and know that I am God” Psalms 46:10

BE – With every fiber of your being, with the very essence of who you are, be engaged with God. Simply exist within His presence where nothing else matters. Lay aside all else.

STILL – You do not have to be physically still but be still in your soul and spirit, waiting upon God, His presence and His voice, upon His blessing and answer to your prayers, trusting and believing He is on your side and is working on your behalf. He is Lord and King over your struggles, and not yourself. Acknowledge Him in all your way and He will direct your paths. So cast all your anxieties, all your fears and strivings on Him for He cares for you tenderly. Look only to Him.

AND KNOW – Become intimately acquainted with who He is and His nature, intimately familiar with trusting Him, be assured and fully confident in His goodness, justice, mercy, love, wisdom, power, and all that He is.

THAT I AM: He is God of your life and not yourself. His presence is inescapable. He is the God of the past, the present, and the future, our one Eternal Now, the great I AM,  complete and uncreated. All things were made for Him and by Him and by Him and through Him all things exist. He needs nothing and wants nothing but our hearts and lives transformed by His love and His power.

GOD: Seated in heaven on His throne, far above any rule or authority or any name that can be given in any age of history, supreme and sovereign ruler over all. He is the answer to all questions, the comforter of all fears, the fulfillment of all needs, the solution to any problem. He is the only true source of power, eternal life, love, satisfaction, and value. He is the only One worthy of our praise and worship and of our lives.

And so He asks us to trust Him and praise Him, no matter how bleak the situation.

“Be still and know that I Am God.”