The islands of Hawai’i were born millennia ago when molten rock erupted from the middle of what is now the Pacific ocean. They continued to grow from the chaos that cooled into barren, black rock. But as the centuries passed, life came to the islands: plants and flowers, birds and animals and sea creatures. Millions of people now come every year from around the world to enjoy this place that has gone from barren to stunningly beautiful.

God created the world from nothing, from chaos. Over six days, the world went from barren to beautiful as God said, “It is good,” about each of his new masterpieces. On the sixth day, he made man, his crowning work. And he said, “It is very good.” But the hearts of God’s “very good” creation turned against their creator and they experienced only barrenness as a result. Like plants ripped from the life-giving earth, they withered and died.

Perhaps that’s how you feel. Maybe you are very successful and have everything you want, every reason to be satisfied. Yet your own emptiness haunts you. Or maybe you have hit bottom, made a complete mess of things and have nothing left.

In John 10:10, Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (NASB) God alone is the essence of love and the author and giver of life. He offers us that new life through Jesus, who died to take the penalty for our sins, and give us an eternal home with him. He alone can take us from barren to beautiful if we ask him to.