A Prayer During the COVID-19 Virus

Holy Spirit, sweep around this world with holy contagion, faster and more powerfully than COVID-19.  Invade every nation, every city, every community. Invade homes, businesses, newsrooms, government buildings, hospitals, the arts and entertainment.  

May Your love, Your good news, Your living water flow from Your true people and “infect” the souls and spirits of the lost and the wandering.  May others “contract” your love, and your conviction of sin and their desperate need of You. May they grow hot with spiritual fever, breathe with the breath of Ruach, the breath of God that created and gave life to the world and the universe in six days.

Almighty God, may You overtake the virus and swallow it up. May death be swallowed up in victory, O God. I speak life and not death on this nation, to New York City, specifically where there is so much of this sickness. Move, save, reveal, convict, heal, give new life and transformation, O Lord.

Cause an undeniable passion for You, Jesus, that leads to a never-before-seen passion for the lost to go viral among Your faithful remnant. May we be the ones who lay down our lives to reach the lost, to give generously and sacrificially. May we encourage and exhort, speaking Your truth to a generation gone astray, even among those who claim Christ but have erred greatly and rejected the truth.

Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. 

May we learn the lessons You have for us through this time. Cause us to grow and mature in ways that will remain. Trials removed quickly and easily do little to refine and mature. It is only through perseverance and patient endurance that our faith is strengthened and proved, that true hope is developed.    

And yet, it is not our faith upon which we rely but on God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Father, You draw us to Yourself. Your Son is the Author and the Finisher of our faith and Your Spirit empowers, comforts and counsels us.  Lord, may we determine in Your strength to remain faithful and trust in You, to believe even when all hope seems lost. 

Keep us grateful and joyful. Forgive us for complaining and thank You for Your grace and Your many blessings. We thank You that we have every spiritual gift we need as we eagerly await the return of Your Son, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. By Your Holy Spirit’s power, may we be givers for You are the great Giver. Enable us to boldly be light and salt like never before to a world that is dying and in pain.  
