More Quirky Quotes

More Quirky Quotes

A while back I shared some common proverbs that I had fun rewriting.  Here’s another batch for you. The best-laid plans always belong to someone else. I think, therefore I am confused. The health nut’s axiom:  “Let them eat tofu!. The garbage collectors...
You Know Your a Book Junkie When………

You Know Your a Book Junkie When………

  You know you’re a book junkie when…… You can’t leave the library with less than two books, preferably four. A trip to the bookstore or a new library makes your heart pound with excitement some people reserve only for winning the lottery. You...
What’s in a Goofy Name?

What’s in a Goofy Name?

I was cleaning out my filing cabinet the other day and came upon a folder full of birthday and Christmas cards I’d saved because they were unique or beautiful. Also in the folder were a couple of assignments I’d done in my 10th-grade writing class. One unforgettable...
I’ve Always Wondered….

I’ve Always Wondered….

Just to show that my writing isn’t always serious and spiritual, I’ve produced a blog post that is a motley assortment of odd questions and observations. Why do some gas pumps emit an annoying repetitive beeping? Today, many gas pumps beep repetitively while you are...