More Quirky Quotes

More Quirky Quotes

A while back I shared some common proverbs that I had fun rewriting.  Here’s another batch for you. The best-laid plans always belong to someone else. I think, therefore I am confused. The health nut’s axiom:  “Let them eat tofu!. The garbage collectors...
I’ve Always Wondered….

I’ve Always Wondered….

Just to show that my writing isn’t always serious and spiritual, I’ve produced a blog post that is a motley assortment of odd questions and observations. Why do some gas pumps emit an annoying repetitive beeping? Today, many gas pumps beep repetitively while you are...
The Hospital Hilton

The Hospital Hilton

If there was anything even remotely humorous about my colon cancer surgery, I was going to find it. After all, it had forced its way into my life like a renegade family member I couldn’t slap with a restraining order. The penalty for the perpetrator was death by...

Confessions of a Fifty-one Year Old Virgin

Okay, so I can hear you saying it now: My Christian friends:  “Oh my word, I can’t believe she used the “v” word.” My non-Christian friends:  “Is Cheryl getting all ‘holier-than-thou’ on us?” My young friends: “She’s really old.  Hope this isn’t like being lectured by...