What’s in a Goofy Name?

What’s in a Goofy Name?

I was cleaning out my filing cabinet the other day and came upon a folder full of birthday and Christmas cards I’d saved because they were unique or beautiful. Also in the folder were a couple of assignments I’d done in my 10th-grade writing class. One unforgettable...
People In A Rainstorm

People In A Rainstorm

My mother loves to watch people—their mannerisms, their dress, the way they walk, their reactions.  When I was a little girl, I was clueless as to why she found this so fascinating. To me, books, or creating my own people for my own stories, were far more interesting....
The Hospital Hilton

The Hospital Hilton

If there was anything even remotely humorous about my colon cancer surgery, I was going to find it. After all, it had forced its way into my life like a renegade family member I couldn’t slap with a restraining order. The penalty for the perpetrator was death by...