God Weeps With Us In Our Grief

God Weeps With Us In Our Grief

Few experiences in life can bring more pain than the death of a loved one. The circumstances surrounding the passing can make our anguish even greater, leaving our hearts and minds awash with unanswered questions. “Where is God in all of this?” we cry. “How could he...
Never an Orphan

Never an Orphan

Fatherlessness in many societies is running rampant today. Moms and dads are too busy with their own lives to give their family quality and quantity time and attention. War, civil unrest, and diseases such as AIDS tear communities apart and take lives. Other young...
Psalms 37: Hope in the Midst of Evil – Part 6

Psalms 37: Hope in the Midst of Evil – Part 6

  Sometimes we feel like troubles and evil will never end. Though Galatians 6:9 tell us to “not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up,” we can be tempted to give up. So we need frequent...