Fatherlessness in many societies is running rampant today. Moms and dads are too busy with their own lives to give their family quality and quantity time and attention. War, civil unrest, and diseases such as AIDS tear communities apart and take lives. Other young ones suffer abuse or neglect because those who should be protecting them and caring for them are held captive by addictions. Relationships between parents and their adult children are severed for various reasons including conflict, selfishness or even ill health.

I lost my father in 2013. My mother, currently in her early eighties is showing signs of memory loss and possible dementia. Though we know such things as these are beyond their control, we can feel abandoned by those who became an integral part of our lives the day we were born, our love for them and theirs for us woven into each other’s hearts. Losing them rips away a part of us that can only be restored when we are reunited in heaven. Fear can even enter the picture as the sense of security they provided, even as adults, is lost.

But there is one who has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He will never become ill or grow old or stop loving us because we’ve disappointed him. He knows all of our needs like no parent ever could and has every resource to meet them. And he is preparing a glorious home for us in heaven where we can live forever with him.

It may not always be easy to feel connected with our heavenly Father. But he is there and our greatest faith is expressed in fully trusting him even though he may feel distant. One day, however, we will be brought, “with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault” (Jude 24b).

PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much that you are constantly caring for and watching over us and that you are beyond the reach of earthly decay. Thank you that one day you will joyfully welcome us to our home in heaven with you. AMEN