*All Scriptures from the New Living Translation of the Bible

*Photos courtesy of Dreamstime.com

Trying to find the best antidote for worry? The Apostle Paul gives us a formula for this emotional malady in Philippians 4:4-8.

He begins by admonishing his readers to rejoice in the Lord. He says this not once, but twice.  This emphasis tells us that joyfulness over God’s goodness is a vital ingredient in the solution for anxiety. Paul then says in verse six, Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” We are not to worry about anything. As in NOTHING. Instead, we are to bring all our concerns and requests to God with thanksgiving.

So what’s the connection?

When we pray with an “attitude of gratitude” and express our trust in God’s attentive, loving faithfulness, our minds are diverted from the distress our problems bring us.
In verse seven, the apostle declares that if we exercise thanksgiving with our prayers, the “peace of God which exceeds everything we can understand….will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” The entrance to our hearts and minds must be guarded by the peace that comes from faith in God.

It’s not enough to evict negative, fearful thoughts. We need to dwell on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise (vs. 8).

Worry cannot change a troublesome situation.  But we have a God who can. Even in our darkest moments, when he seems a million miles away, he still cares and is able and willing to work on our behalf.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you that you hear our prayers and have the answers. Help us to keep our minds and hearts ever focused on you and your goodness. Amen.